Sending an Email Confirmation Link with the Right Locale (with Devise)

(This post will be short.)

I have followed Railscast to configure I18n for my app, but I soon realized the link included inside the confirmation emails (sent through Devise) would direct the use to the default locale/language (i.e. English) instead of the locale that the user is using.

This is my fix: In the mailer template (in devise, it would be devise/mailer/confirmation_instructions.html.erb), just pass in the user locale in the rails url helper:

<% user_name = (@user.full_name.empty?) ? : @user.full_name %>
<p><%= t('.greeting', recipient: user_name) %></p>

<p><%= t('.instruction') %></p>
<p><%= link_to t('.action'), confirmation_url(@resource, confirmation_token: @token, locale: I18n.locale) %></p>



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